As Founder of the Compassionate Care Project

My Mission: To Help Stressed-Out, Overwhelmed, Overworked, Tired of Dealing With Death and About to Burn Out Nurses & Caregivers...Prevent Compassion Fatigue and Learn the Art of Creating a Balance Between Caring for Others and Caring for Yourself

Grab the 5 Step Stress R.E.S.E.T. Roadmap Now

A step-by-step guide to stop stress, turn off your triggers, and R.E.S.E.T your emotional thermostat in just 5 simple steps. (and prevent compassion fatigue and burnout)

 A Perfect Storm Is Brewing 

Making a difference is what drives a nurse. Empathy, compassion, and kindness are three qualities patients often use to describe the qualities they look for in a nurse.

The COVID crisis has robbed many nurses and caregivers of those qualities and replaced them with fear and anxiety, frustration, and exhaustion. Many have been repeatedly traumatized by the loss of their patients and other extreme conditions they have been forced to work in and endure.

There's a perfect storm brewing inside healthcare. Ask any nurse. Staffing shortages, heavy workloads, long hours, and changing regulatory requirements, and overwhelming paperwork were just a few of the demands that challenged  nurses, added stress and pressure to their job, and lead to job dissatisfaction, compassion fatigue, burnout long before the COVID epidemic.  Those conditions have been magnified since the epidemic.    

Many nurses today are struggling because they don't feel empathetic, kind, and compassionate but rather mentally and physically exhausted, overworked, and overwhelmed, disconnected from their patients, their loved ones, and especially from themselves. 

Nearly 1 in 5 healthcare workers have quit their jobs since the COVID epidemic began. Most were nurses.  


Does This Sound Like You?

•  82% of nurses recently surveyed identified overwhelming workplace stress as their #1 health and safety risk

• 60% report working through their breaks, staying late/coming in early to complete their work

• More than 50% report their usual scheduled shift is 10+ hours or longer

• Up to 50% have been bullied in some manner at work

 • More than 50% report experiencing musculoskeletal pain at work

• Almost 25% have been physically assaulted at work

• More than 18% have been diagnosed with depression compared to the national prevalence of 9%

• 37% are experiencing burnout and have considered leaving the profession altogether

You Are At Risk for Compassion Fatigue and Burnout


How Can We Work Together?

If you're stuck in a pattern of stress and overwhelm and seeking solutions that really work...If you are ready to restore your physical and emotional balance and create permanent stress relief...Here's Where I Recommend WE Begin... 


Work With Me

# 1 Relax & Read the Blog

Learn how recognize, prevent, and recover from secondary traumatic stress and burnout and create healthy stress relief habits that achieve a positive return on your emotional investments. Subscribe to the blog to receive the tips, tools, strategies, and resources to  support your physical. mental, and emotional balance. Updates are added weekly. Take a deep breath and relax. Support is just one click away.

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