Welcome from Nancy Philpott, R.N., Founder and Chief Transformation Officer
The HeartSync Wellness Compassionate Care Project
Hi I’m Nancy Philpott,. I’m a Registered Nurse, Founder and Chief Transformation Officer for the HeartSync Wellness Center's Compassionate Care Project
If you are a nurse, healthcare practitioner, or caregiver and you’ve been feeling overworked, overwhelmed, and mentally and/or physically exhausted…
If you spend all your time over-caring for everyone else and under-caring for yourself
If you have been contemplating closing your business, quitting your job, or walking away from healthcare completely to escape from the people and industry you used to love and save yourself
If you’ve been wondering what happened to that passionate purposeful you..
If your heart has been whispering one thing and your brain screaming Don’t You Dare!
I know where you are, I know how you feel, and I created this page just for you.
When I graduated from nursing school, completed my Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration, I really believed that I was prepared for long term success as a healthcare professional.
What I didn’t know then that I know now, is that my caring, empathetic, committed, and compassionate personality and history of PTSD would be both my greatest strength and greatest barrier to my success as a nurse, health care administrator, and practitioner.
What I know now that I didn’t know way back then, is that all those shining attributes that made me an exceptional nurse also put me at risk for developing secondary PTSD, compassion fatigue, and professional burnout.
What I recognize now that I didn’t recognize back then is how and when my caring, empathetic, committed, and compassionate personality crossed the line into over-caring for others, under-caring for myself and led first to just feeling overworked and overwhelmed, then to emotional numbing, irritability and occasional outbursts of anger, and all the classic symptoms of compassion fatigue.
The truth is you don’t know what you don’t know until you get a wake-up call like I did. A wake-up call like a health crisis, loss of your job, death of a loved one, or complete mental or physical exhaustion forces you stop dead in your tracks, take time out, and reinvent your yourself and your life.
It happened to me and I want to be your gentle wake-up call before something more dramatic and/or traumatic interrupts and disrupts your life.
Listen, you and I both know that the healthcare industry is in trouble and we can’t simply walk away…that’s just not who we are.
We are compassionate caregivers here to bring our unique gifts and talents, generate the answers resources to heal others who don’t have the information and answers they need.
If there is one thing I know now that I didn’t know or believe back when I got my wake-up call it’s this... we must learn how to put the oxygen mask on ourselves first! Learning how to achieve, maintain, and model emotional resilience in our personal and professional relationships is essential for our health as well as the health of those we love and care for.
I did it for me and I want to help you.
I’ve spent the past 20 years and thousands of hours helping other empathetic nurses, health professionals, and caregivers overworked, overwhelmed, stressed out and at risk for secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and professional burnout develop emotional resilience, and reestablish healthy personal and professional relationships.
In 2017 The HeartSync Wellness Center partnered with the American Nurses Association in their Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation Challenge to improve the health and quality of life for nurses in the United States and thereby impact and improve the health of the nation.
We would love to partner with you or your organization by providing our cutting edge Emotional Resilience Boot Camp.
Let's get started!
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